A man stands looking out onto the forest. He is feeling better after starting eating disorder treatment for men in Missouri with Embodied Self Counseling. His HAES therapist, Erin, is able to see him through online therapy in Missouri.

You don’t get it...why is this food thing so hard? You’ve spent so much time stressing over what you are putting into your body, but what has it gotten you? No where close to where you “want to be.”

No matter what the outcome of your most recent effort is, be that a new diet or a new gym regimen, you’re still not satisfied with your body. You are left feeling unhappy about your latest food choices. Others don’t get it. They tell you that you look fine and don’t understand why you put this stress on yourself. But, when you look in the mirror, you know the truth...something isn’t right. It can’t always be like this. However, you just don’t know how to turn it off. If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from an eating disorder.

Men With Eating Disorders Exist

You know what an eating disorder is, but this can’t be it, can it? You thought that was something women dealt with. That you needed to be dangerously underweight to have one. But these assumptions are wrong.

A young man sits with his head in his hands looking distraught. He is having a difficult time managing without eating disorder treatment for men in Missouri. Luckily, he is starting eating disorder treatment for men with Embodied Self Counseling who…

The Reality Of Men With Eating Disorders

Did you know that 1 in 3 people who struggle with an eating disorder identify as men? And that the behaviors associated with an eating disorder are just as prevalent in men and they are in women? Additionally, eating disorders are less about the size of your body. Instead, they're more about behaviors around food and distress connected to food and body image.

Why Are There So Many Men With Eating Disorders?

Many men never reach out for help with eating disorder treatment. This is due to cultural stigma around therapy, mental health, and eating disorders. But, just because men aren’t reaching out for help, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t suffering. It doesn’t mean YOU aren’t suffering. This isn’t about “just eating a hamburger,” “learning to control yourself,” or “just stopping.” If it were that easy, this wouldn’t be a problem still. And, if it were that easy, you probably wouldn't have Googled "eating disorder therapy for men." There is something underneath your struggle that is driving it.

Eating Disorder Treatment For Men Can Help

Eating disorder treatment for men with an eating disorder specialist can provide you with a non-judgmental space. Here, you can address all of these feelings around your food and your body can be exactly what you are looking for.

A man stands smiling in front of a building. He is feeling much happier after beginning eating disorder treatment for men in Missouri with Embodied Self Counseling in Missouri.

My Approach To Eating Disorder Treatment For Men

I am a HAES-informed therapist. This means I believe that people of all body sizes have the right to pursue (or not pursue) health. Additionally, I don't consider weight to be an indication of anybody’s health. I understand that this is more than just the “food stuff.” And, that it is important to also start dealing with the stuff underneath. In eating disorder treatment for men, I will help you develop coping skills, self-compassion, and body acceptance. You can have your life back and begin to appreciate your body as it is and for what it can do. Rather than placing your self-worth into a number on the scale or what you see when you look in the mirror. I know this seems far-fetched right now. But, eating disorder treatment for men can help you accomplish these goals.

What Eating Disorder Treatment For Men Can Give You

Imagine being able to go out for a happy hour with your friends without calculating the calories of whatever you are ordering. Being able to go to the gym when you feel like it...and skip it when you feel like it as well. So much mental energy that had previously been occupied by the eating disorder can be put towards whatever makes you happy! It’s not an easy journey to get there, but you don’t have to do it alone. Eating disorder treatment for men can help you on your path to recovery.

Begin Eating Disorder Treatment For Men in Missouri

Black man smiles at the camera. He went to eating disorder treatment for men in missouri with eating disorder therapist Erin Grumley who offers online therapy in Missouri and online therapy in Wisconsin.

You've struggled with an eating discord for quite some time. Your old tricks don't work and there's a chance that those around you are taking notice. Or, arguably worse, they haven't noticed at all. Regardless, eating disorder treatment for men can help. As a HAES therapist at Embodied Self Counseling in St. Louis, MO, I will work with you through your food things. Eating disorder treatment for men can be the solution. To start your journey with eating disorder treatment for men, follow these steps:

1. Send me a message.

2. Get to know me, Erin G, as your new HAES therapist.

3. Have your "food thing" taken seriously.

Other Mental Health Service Offered In Missouri

Eating disorder treatment for men isn't the only service I offer. I am providing services through online therapy as my St. Louis based clinic is closed. So, I can provide you with quality services anywhere you live in Missouri! I offer eating disorder treatment for anorexia, bulimia, and atypical anorexia. I provide counseling for body image and perfectionism. I am a HAES therapist, meaning I take an anti-diet approach when working with my clients. I also have experience working with athletes and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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